
modelscore #
Auctionmodel 1933
Social Clubs 1382
Doede Model 1270
Washington State 130
California 19963

1 Should people be allowed to grow cannabis at home for their own consumption?

Yes, no problem 76.8
Only under strict conditions 12.4
No 5.0

2 When cannabis is legal for recreational use, who should then grow these cannabis plants?

Non-profit organisations 18.3
Business in a free market with quality rules 55.5
A few companies are appointed by the governement 13.3
I can't make a choice 10.2

3 Who should be able to sell cannabis? Choose the statement you most agree with

drugstore with doctor prescription 3.3
Only in lounges where smoking is allowed 20.4
Specific Cannabis shops, like liquor stores 30.4
I don't care - as long as they follow some rules 33.0
Everybody should be able to sell it 10.2
I can't make a choice 2.0

4 Should advertising be allowed for cannabis brands?

Ja 42.4
No 57.1

5 What do you think should be the sales tax of cannabis products

No taxes at all 24.6
Regular sale tax 53.4
21% plus excise taxes to discourage use 21.8

6 Do you think tourists should be able to buy cannabis products?

Yes 87.7
No 6.4
Yes but only when they have a doctors prescription 5.9

7 What should be the minimum age for buying cannabis products?

17 year old 7.6
18 year old 67.3
21 years old 21.6
all ages should be able to get it 3.5

8 Who should check the grower if all regulations are followed?

No control needed 5.1
The industry should regulate itself 31.7
The government needs to actively check this 63.1

9 What is your political affiliation?

None or more then one answer were allowed.

VVD 11.4
PVV 14.5
CDA 6.2
D66 28.7
SP 19.5
PvdA 12.2
GroenLinks 34.0
50PLUS 4.4
Partij voor de Dieren 20.0
ChristenUnie 3.8
SGP 2.3
Piraten Partij 14.9
Libertarische Partij 2.9
VNL 4.2
Vrouwenpartij 1.8
DENK 2.5
Ondernemerspartij 1.7
Nieuwe wegen 1.3
Forum voor Democratie 4.5
De Burger Beweging 1.7
Niet Stemmers 1.7
Vrije Democratische Partij (VDP) 1.3
Jezus leeft 1.4
MenS en Spirit/Basisinkomen Partij/V-R 1.5
StemNL 1.2
Lokaal in de Kamer 1.3
Artikel 1 1.6
Vrijzinnige Partij 1.5
GeenPeil 2.0
None of the above 5.3
Not going to vote 8.5

10 Could we ask the following personal details of you (optional and won't be shared with a third party)

male 60.9
Female 18.7
transgender 1.2
copyright Regulator Monday, 10 Feb 2025