On the initiative of the VNG (Association of Dutch Municipalities) a workgroup (Workgroup Modernizing Cannabispolicy, werkgroup modernisering cannabisbeleid) was established in 2015. Members where political directors from all parts of the political landscape. A report was writen in order to exert influence on the next government on the issue of cannabis policy.
The conclusion of this administrative working group was presented in June 2016 at a VNG conference in the Haarlemmermeer: "The current policy of tolerance for soft drugs is unsustainable. It is not an effective approach towards solving problems. A cannabis law with strict rules for the sale and production of cannabis is required to find solutions", can be read in the report.
"The bankruptcy of tolerating. On the way to the cannabis law '
The administrative group cannabis policy on behalf of the Association of Dutch Municipalities (VNG) calls for a new cannabis law. This cannabis law should allow municipalities to align credible policy on the local situation based on three pillars:
1. Preventative strategies to combat cannabis use as much as possible
2. Maintaining that there is a strong incentive to comply with the policy
3. Consistent policy for the whole cannabis chain, from production to sales
This report led to a position paper in which these pillars are included. This position paper was endorsed by 89.5% of the municipalities.